ID Annuncio: 3073294

Annuncio pubblicato: 19 feb, 2025

Annuncio visualizzato: 3 volte

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Bucharest airport transfer

Annuncio Servizi

Servizi Traslochi trasporti taxi Lazio Genzano di Roma

5361060 Bucharest airport transfer
5361060 airport transfer

In dettaglio

Tipo di annuncio
Bucharest airport transfer
Per mansione di
We provide airport professional transport services with classified cars according to international tourism standards. The transport is made on request and addresses both legal entities: travel agencies, commercial companies, and individuals, organized groups, schools, kindergartens, associations, etc. Renting is done for the following types of services: excursions, pilgrimages, internal and external circuits, airport shuttle (Otopeni, Baneasa) to all over Romania, tour of Bucharest, team building, business trips, rentals for shows, weddings, private car services and various events.
Retribuzione desiderata
Prezzo: n.d.

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